

Cardinal Enrollment Days

While on campus you will hear from campus leadership, meet with an advisor, have the opportunity to speak with financial aid, and hear about living in the Cardinal Villas.


Students at wlÆåÅÆ Community College are assigned an advisor when they begin their college experience. Advisors assist students in the following ways:

  • Discuss education and career goals
  • Provide information about degrees, certificates, and concentrations
  • Provide referrals to other departments when needed
  • Assist with scheduling and course selection
  • Track progress towards goals
  • Provide information about transfer requirements

Academic Advisors can be found in the Advising Center located inside the Student Success Center. Academic advisors assist students who are

  • Entering college for the first time
  • Undecided about a major
  • Non-degree seeking
  • Majoring in general studies

AdvisorsFaculty Advisors are assigned to students who have declared a particular major or degree.  These are individuals who either teach in the field of concentration or have received specialized training in the requirements of a particular program.

Student Support Services Advisor

Additionally, students enrolled in Student Support Services receive additional advising assistance. Student Support Services is an academic support program helping disadvantaged college students find success. Currently enrolled wlÆåÅÆ students qualify for Student Support Services by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • Be first generation college students
  • Meet income guidelines
  • Have a documented disability

First-Time Student?

Check out the steps listed on the Cardinal Checklist or contact one of the Academic Advisors listed to the right.  

Need to Contact an Advisor?

Click on this list below to obtain contact information for your advisor.

Advisor by Name
Advisor by Subject

If you are unsure who your academic advisor is, please email enroll@labette.edu.

Main Campus

April Bolinger
April Bolinger
Director of Advising
(620) 820-1195
Regina Decker
Regina Decker
Case Manager/Advisor
(620) 820-1254
Cortney O’Brien

Cardinal Jumpstart Coordinator
(620) 820-1221

Ashley Savage
Ashley Savage
Academic Advisor
(620) 820-1196
Henri Wyland
Henri Wyland
Academic Advisor
(620) 820-1195